Friday, July 26, 2024

Always a surprise

(3082)  Mananer kone elo kar se alo

Whose is that light which came inside of thinking;
And why today, do tell please.
It let heart's core be filled, moving away the ebony;
Who is He, all-pervading?

For such a long time, He had been in hiding;
For what reason did He come in front suddenly?
Mind, by many melodies infused,
With cadence became frenzied.

Any and all things is He able to do;
The world He creates from imagination's gloom.
By way of divine game He makes smile and He makes cry;
Is that why, entreated, He appeared?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A preference for non-carbonic

(3081)  Ei surabhita candana vane

To this same jungle of fragrant sandal,
Yourself Who did send?
If having come on just your own, you remain,
Then Whom does the mind crave, oh pray tell.

Tiger-controlled and snake-copious,
The sandal forest had been fearsome.
Dread withdrawn, it became ardent with love,
By which magic of enchantment.

Never it provided fruit, the sandal tree;
Fruitless, one has returned both hungry and thirsty.
By Your advent, it furnished all needs of the journey
From the dust of lotus feet, a ruddy red.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is this purgatory or hell?

(3080)  Hemante jhara shishir vindute

In pre-winter like a dewdrop fallen,
What and why the mind craves, I know not.
Many times I want to go far away;
But I can't evade a jot.

Oh the yellow marigold, bloomed has it;
Oh the chrysanthemum, arisen has it.
On the white jasmine, felt has been a wind!
To stay at home, mind wishes not.

Oh where art Thou, my Heartthrob?
On Your account bitterly in vain I sob.
To figure out my anguish, can You not?
Even by end of autumn, why came You not?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All around me

(3079)  Sharada prate jhara shephaliite

On Autumn morn with night jasmine fallen,
Mind of mine goes on singing:
"Where are You, oh, You are where?"
The light of a new dawn, ebon having rid,
States: "Here am I, hey you, I'm here."

Under night's darkness, what went unobserved,
Neath the morning's light, it did not stay covered.
Everywhere You exist, at core of heart a lamp You've lit;
Yourself having witnessed, the eyes look thereto only.

At a mental niche hard to reach, You had been hidden,
Veiled by staticity, no perception given.
Then Your vibration came, far off went materialism;
Yourself in a fresh role did the mind perceive.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, July 22, 2024

Let me be a true sannyasi

(3078)  Je path dhariya caliyachilo prabhu

Lord, holding to the path had they moved,
All the ascetics; You now goad me on that way.
With rays of light illuminating, with truth unveiled,
Clinging to that path I'll go, renouncing shame.

Let there be a hundred pebbles, let all thorns remain;
Upon high-tide I will carry on, I'll not credit wane.
With only Your stream of thought, shedding just Your rays,
I will go on sailing, dressed however You'll array.

On Your path, Lord, there is not a trace of fear;
This be my only prayer: kindly grant a jot of mercy.
It will hew all deep attachment, doubt it will cleave;
With feet unwavering, doing Your deeds I'll remain.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hard love is Your blessing

(3077)  Tomare bhaviya cali rati din

Musing on You I continue day and night;
Why remote You went and stayed?
Affection and hope of mine,
With ease You let be thrown away.

The moon in a heart gloomy,
In a desert, myrtle's honey,
But me You made cry exclusively;
What did You do by ruse of Cosmic Play?

Understanding You, onerous it is;
Thorn and flower, only both are a gift.
Without one, the other does not persist;
Through the gist of liila, what did You create?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, July 20, 2024

At last

(3076)  Kal sandhyay pratham tomay

Yestereve for the first time, Yourself,
I have witnessed under moonlight.
Hundred lifetimes' hope-fulfillment,
I've been seized, that bliss thereby.

You had simply been observing;
Upon lower lip had been honey.
Tender moon of moonlit evening,
Yourself I've obtained nigh.

You did not utter a word,
Know: from that is not my dolor.
With the King of Kings in mind's midst,
I've taken and made You mine.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording