Tuesday, October 22, 2024

In the mood

(3167)  Tomake ghiriya naciche vishva

Circling You, the universe is dancing;
In the midst, You are best and unique.
The singular scenery in everyone's thinking,
In life You're like motivity.

You are not only in thinking but also in concept,
Oh the Wheel-Rim of this cycle of existence,
With a Notion Omnipresent, Consciousness Supreme.

You are in wakened state, in dream, and abed;
All-pervading You are kissing inmost self,
Hope of mine in heart despairing.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, October 21, 2024

Better to follow the heart

(3166)  Tomake ceyechi kena nahi jani

I have wanted You,I don't know the reason;
I have craved, only this am I aware of.
Are You informed?
I've arrived upon Earth, the why I don't comprehend;
I have come– I understand and honor.
Is it that You have brought?

In a cosmic cradle, life goes on swaying,
On hammock of thought, with whiskeyed fantasies.
No looking back achieves, and pause does not succeed;
To this divine game is there reason?

Oh the One Who is a sunbeam always;
Within gloomy thinking You are a light-ray.
Having ignored You, existence blindfolded,
This book-learning, it it not deception?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Wherefrom and what for comes this love?

(3165)  Tomar tare mala gantha

For You a garland is strung;
Watch is kept in Your direction.
Decked with blossom, the chignon;
In mind honey is fully stored.

The light of day calls to Thee
Through gaps between night's ebony.
This musing, by what means
I ignore the thing smeared at core.

Braids I bind with black string[1]
'Gainst fearsome thought in arbor sweet.
On lyre strings stealthily,
Why You ignite the flame of love?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

It's fine with me, I strive to please

(3164)  Tumi kata liila kare jao

You go on devising many games,
By what cogitation who will grasp?
You continue dancing in a playful way;
That style makes everybody dance.

From ancient days beginningless,
Sprung forth on thought's current,
All-pervading and delighted,
You've remained with such significance!

Will an atom ever fathom
By own might Yourself, Lord?
Nonetheless I press on, set to chores;
On me that strength bestowed You have.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Not just an ancient yarn

(3163)  Varasa rate ei varasa rate andhar dharate

On a rainy night like this same rainy night, on dark Earth
A foot did You let fall?
I know You reside in mind, I recognize the king of my mind;
You came outside for what cause?

The external water-stream, within tears it went missing;
Outside a crowd of clouds, in the mind a lightning-series,
None of these accept prohibition.

The water of mind's Jamuna, o'er both banks it spills
From happiness impatient, restless and effusive,
Each moment in search of Gokul's shore.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, October 18, 2024

Year after year, age after age, am I waiting

(3162)  Pathapane ceye thaki

I remain gazing toward the path
With hopeful eyes.
For many ages, alert am I;
You don't catch sight.

In summer what's worth giving is dry;
It's moistened by the rain in eyes.
The tall grass and reeds, and the blue sky,
Having set afloat, autumn beautifies.

Enticing is a coracle of clouds white
In prewinter's frosty wind and ice.
But in winter after You did not arrive
And in spring, how do I soothe and satisfy?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lord, I need You

(3161)  Bhulo na prabhu

Lord, do not forget;
This Your tiny speck, forget not.
From You have I arrived;
Mid You only I survive.
To Your outside, cast me not.

From the Creation's beginning,
Upon stream of thought You accompany.
Like a gentle southern breeze,
To every life You are married.
Yourself distant withdraw not.

With sin and virtue bide the living;
Virtue my sins conceal.
In a realm darkness-ringed,
Bitterly I cry in suffering and in grief.
Unto me, merciless please be not.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording