Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What's the secret?

(22)  Ogo bandhu balite paro

My abiding friend, can You say
What You do throughout the day?

Whatever comes, whatever goes—
It all takes place at Your feet.
In Your mind everything is inscribed.
With all that in Your mind, what do You do?

So much happiness and sweetness,
So much sorrow and resentment—
How do You go on playing Your divine sport?
Tell me confidentially, what more is there?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Baba's exposition:
We human beings remain preoccupied with worldly activities. Buying, selling, bathing, eating – in these, we keep ourselves engaged. O Paramapuruśa, what do You do all day? Please tell me in what kind of activity You keep Yourself busy. Yours is the macrocosm. All the thoughts, all the ideas of the universe are all within Your mind. In that cosmic macrocosm, I fail to understand what You do and how You can manage with so many thoughts and so many feelings, with all the joys and sweetness, with all the sorrows and miseries of all the creatures. If I were in Your situation I would become mad. What do You do with all Your ideas and expressions? And not only that, there have been certain polarizations regarding Your thoughts and expressions, ideas and activities. Some people are Your ardent supporters, some are against You; some dearly love You, and some are vehemently opposed to You. With all Your supporters and opponents, how do You continue playing Your liila? It is something wonderfully strange. As much as I have understood, I still have become confused. Now the question arises – I want to know from You very secretly – besides all these, have You got any other personal secret with You? Please tell me. I want to say something to You. Be with me and hear me. When due to sorrow I am unable to say anything, hear me also then. While on the journey of my life, when I feel tired, at that time also be with me, inspire me and remove my afflictions.

An interesting progression

(20) Dur akasher tara ogo

Lord, You are a star of the distant sky.
I don't know You—
Don't, don't, don't.

Little by little come sit by my side.
Don't hide Yourself—
Don't, don't, don't.

Many pains over many days,
A heap of things to say—
I would speak them all.
Don't turn a deaf ear—
Don't, don't, don't.

Everyone's nearest and dearest,
The beloved of all—
Everybody wants You close-by.
Don't keep Your distance—
Don't, don't, don't.

Whatever is said by the learned,
However scripture is interpreted—
I am Yours, and You are mine.
Any other view I don't acknowledge—
Don't, don't, don't.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Baba's exposition:
O Paramapuruśa, at present You are a star of the distant sky. I see You, but I don't know You. Come gradually closer to me, and sit by my side. Don't try to hide from me. I have many things to say to You. So many pains and so many ideas have accumulated in my mind. Let me express them fully; don't pretend to be deaf. Come near to me. I will tell You everything, and my heart will become light. You are the dearest, the most adored, by all. Everyone wants to be near You. Please don't remain far away. Scriptures bear no significance for me. I am not to be guided by the scriptures. I am to be guided and controlled by devotional love. Whatever the scholars or scriptures may say, I know only that You are mine, and I am Yours. Nothing else can I accept.