This necklace of fondness, Yours and mine,
Who had strung... You not I, please confess.
I had been on a world of dust,
Above ground, an earthen lamp clutching,
Morn and eve saluting Thee, my Love.
In my hand had been a string of jasmine,
Coated with exuded nectar and heart's pollen.
Vaejayanti garland upon Your clavicle,
You descended with Kaostubha's splendor.
I'd offered up my sense of 'I' in a wreath,
All boundaries of meanness forgetting.
My entire being arose swaying;
Birth You took from the state of perfection.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Saturday, February 15, 2025
You had come
Friday, February 14, 2025
Is there aught for which to pray?
Sympathetic to my agony,
Saying that You will see me,
On the surface of this earth, have You appeared?
From a heart full of sweetness,
With Your laugh pearls are shed.
On Your eyes, affection's ink,
An immortal being did You not abide.
Passionately descending, You've arrived
With playful wiles in the bud of psyche.
Name and form is not Thine;
Through a hundred names and forms do I find.
The intellect, if submerging,
Please remain always with me
At all times and beyond time's periphery,
In the psychic lotus with an ideation sweet.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Speaking from the heart
Sympathetic to my agony,
Saying that You will see me,
On the surface of this earth, have You appeared?
From a heart full of sweetness,
With Your laugh pearls are shed.
On Your eyes, affection's ink,
An immortal being did You not abide.
Passionately descending, You've arrived
With playful wiles in the bud of psyche.
Name and form is not Thine;
Through a hundred names and forms do I find.
The intellect, if submerging,
Please remain always with me
At all times and beyond time's periphery,
In the psychic lotus with an ideation sweet.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
With You by my side
My Beloved, Dearest Darling, You belong to me.
In the thick darkness, in tempest and storm,
You accompany, the Heart-Thief.
Dispelling calamity, yet unseen and spotless,
Vital pulse and the mind's knowledge-ointment,
Heart is consumed by Your form and quality.
Whom does he fear, the one who obtains You,
Who with threads of affection fastens You;
He cuts through impediments dense and dreary.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
To everyone but me
Why do You not grant embrace by me?
Endlessly I call; if hearing You remain,
Of what sort is this affection-stream?
Under fierce summer heat, to malati shrubs at dusk;
Beneath heavy monsoon rains, to ketakii's mites of dust...
With shefali's love and fondness, in the autumn
Upon kush and kash emitted are light-beams.
Through pre-winter's mild frost,
Through harsh snows at winter season...
In springtime, with treacly odor
Suffused are the colors of abeer.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Monday, February 10, 2025
You abide
Like a smiling jui jasmine on a moonlit night,
Upon the lustrous chariot, Who are You that arrived?
In my company at a lonesome site,
Through this game of hide-and-seek, why did You take delight?
I don't have any possessions,
In exchange for which to get Your love.
What You've given please accept, and look in my direction;
Leaving me alone and helpless, please don't retire.
For many an age is Your multicolored sport,
A game sometimes gloomy and occasionally luminous.
Saying You love, You come with diverse wiles;
But never do You keep me flung far aside.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Sunday, February 9, 2025
He is beyond reach
Yon, upon a new and striking, indigo sky,
You had appeared; and You had smiled.
On star after star and on galaxy,
You made dance a flow of effulgence.
With divine ruby's splendor, with emerald's luster bright,
From Infinity's fount, on a thought-stream You arrived.
You dance on endlessly at the outskirts of mind;
Reflection with transcendence You combined.
With a trifling intellect, Your attributes' consideration
Is like counting grains of sand on the ocean-shore.
The method is not acquisition, only love succeeds;
Realization is by obtaining kindness.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Saturday, February 8, 2025
You light up my life
For You only, so much I've lamented;
Nonetheless, You came not to my dwelling..
A wreath I have strung, an altar I've embellished;
Filled with love, a candle I am lighting.
Heart's Deity, whereto did You vanish,
Having left empty my country psychic?
In memory, to You I bow by the hundreds;
Please look back, my salutation to receive.
You can do what You like, whatever is Your desire,
Slighting this existential wine.
By this wine ignited is a splendid festivity,
Presenting a line of lights to Thee.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Friday, February 7, 2025
Transcendent One
With a new dawn, He had come;
To a distant light He floated off.
Heart's precious gem He'd woken up;
Where did He hide, making dark?
Why does He arrive, oh why He leaves;
In cadence He makes laugh, rhythmically He makes weep.
Smiling and crying's, emerald and ruby's,
Memories He traced from behind a curtain.
In this same springtime floral beauty,
Even when granting embrace, He does not yield.
In the month of Falgun with fire of bastard teak,
He drove crazy by color's infatuation.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Love hurts
In the event You did not come,
For what is this garland kept!
When light of moon did not appear,
Useless are a water-lily's sugar-coated promises.
Alas, a partridge on the new-moon night,
With vain hope does she gaze toward sky.
Hey my everlasting Darling,
Why by dark clouds are You hidden?
You know the unspoken words of psyche,
The unattained, aggregate agony.
If You want to reject a feeling,
Dreading what, in hiding dwelt?
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
I am astonished
Having loved, the One Who had come,
Why far off did He withdraw...
Who had smiled with the light of dawn,
He blended into evening's ebon.
Let me be told, oh Callous One,
Why on a bloom thorns You make worn...
At break of day the flower had blossomed;
Under ferocious heat, it dried up.
With the heart, what's this Your game divine;
You don't care for good or bad, right or wrong time.
As You prefer I laugh, I cry;
You move not per my volition.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
If not for Thee
On the rainbow like a basket of beauty,
When first You had appeared,
There'd been no animal, creeper, or shrub;
There had been no life with feelings.
Then, sun had been wakened, laying waste to ignorance;
There'd become an ocean, waves in abundance.
Lightning's smile through clouds of ebon
On the first firmament of that day was there.
Prehistoric times have disappeared;
Been created has a new history.
The world's been filled with melodies rippling,
With songs in Your praise by the birds and human beings.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Monday, February 3, 2025
Have mercy
When drowsiness on eyes had been replete,
Lord, You had been in my vicinity.
Eyes opened, lo I see You did leave;
Only just an anklet-sound rings.
From a far, nebula heavenly,
Persistently a melodic jingling,
I hear it come floating; with eyes unblinking,
Hearing's impulse dances upon psyche.
Such cosmic play is Thine, a game with my heart:
Just a single inattention of atomic cognition!
With a wreath from floral garden I would adorn
Mind's Charming One in the month of spring.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Is it a dream or reality?
Night became morning, a dreamy illusion:
Mine, it's got excised today.
The night had been veiled by blind infatuation;
Boundless ignorance had been without bank.
By mist the Polaris, it too had been concealed;
A tempest had blown with furious velocity.
I had been calling You anxiously,
The darkness gloomy to evade.
Thorns had filled the sandal grove;
Decline had quenched aesthetics also.
Wallowed in falsehood had been the marrow;
I received Your causeless grace.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Just You I have to thank
At the kadam tree of my mind, Yourself have I received;
With kadam in full blossom and the bee of psyche mine,
I traipse about, the laughing pollen kissing.
What had been beyond my expectation,
In the realm of sensation with unspoken tongue,
That sweet son of Nanda, the bright harvest moon,
You rescued the bud of my psyche.
Naught is obscure to You: name, form, or special traits;
And hence I realize You are everything I crave.
By Your kindness, by Your unearned grace,
I will move along light's journeyway unhalting.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording