Tuesday, November 30, 2021

If it's got to hurt so much

(2100)  Tomare dekhiyachi alo andhare

I am seeing You neath the light and neath the dark.
Sometimes You remain in light, other times in dark,
Ever outside and at core of heart.

Your cosmic game is hard to grasp;
What a synthesis of contrasts!
Admitting defeat, when one will surrender,
Then You always yield to him.

What a sport of opposing flavors, what a mockery of love;
Such a joke: tears in laughter, grief in an amorous gesture!
Not a thing will I speak... do whatever You please;
But please just show mercy to everybody.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, November 29, 2021

Never fear the dark

(2099)  Andhar shese arun hese

At close of darkness, having smiled the morning sun,
You told: "I have come...
I've arrived, fear is no more;
I have brought the light along.

"The night's gloom was horrendous;
The long teeth of dreadful beasts ferocious,
They've all gone; now hope has arisen...
With light the world I've filled.

"Don't get afraid, anyone at any time;
Know that soon after new moon comes the light.
Creation, preservation, and destruction– listen,
I alone have bridled."

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Please guide my ship...

(2098)  Ei anurodh prabhu tava carane

Lord, only this I ask at Your lotus feet:
On the path of righteousness my mind do steer.
If at any time I be swallowed by despondency,
Please hold the lamp of hope before me.

If ever hatred, fear, or shame
At any time impede my way,
With thunderous voice bring awareness.
In the yearning for pleasures worldly,
If the mind should become frenzied,
My dormant humanity please awaken.

On Your path I will proceed;
That I not stoop to evil deeds,
You Yourself, be the journey's pilot.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, November 27, 2021

If I shout, will You reply?

(2097)  Sabar priya pranam nio

Everyone's darling, please take homage;
Of all beings You are most admired.
Seeking You, the days elapse;
Hey Manifold Foundation, adjacent please arrive.

You stay not in holy site, You stay not in bower,
In eulogy, song of praise, or incantation.
At the psyche You reside in secret;
I make the mind hear this loud cry of mine.

Oh King of Kings, monarch on high,
With all my fear and shame set aside,
Dances it today, the peacock of mind,
With Your direction only in its sight.

Sarkarverse article
Currently, no audio file is available.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Neath Your luster

(2096)  Tomay ceyechi jiivaner diipe

I have wanted You as life's lantern.
You exist; hence I too am,
Welled up, like a sweet cadamba.

You're the fount of light's current;
In Your midst, everybody is consistent.
For all people You are the foundation,
With fruits and blooms, scent and resin.

Hey my Friend, my everlasting Love,
Of everyone You are fit to be welcomed.
This same world make it full,
With humankind's enchanting form.

Sarkarverse article
Currently, no audio file is available.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Shiva Nataraj

(2095)  Jeo na tumi jeo na, raunin dharay rupe bhare rekho

Don't go away, You, please don't leave;
Keep a painted world filled with beauty.
At no time move out of reach.

To laugh please be full of zeal,
With ingenuity beyond fancy.
Resonating with thoughts sweet,
Don't forget the world amusing.

Amid all You're well-blended;
Within every action You're mingled.
For rhythm and dance You're eager;
Hey Dance-King, do not cease.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The universal Deity

(2094)  Tava karunate sabe

Everybody, by Your kindness
They've endured, Lord, they've persisted.
Yourself excluded from the three worlds,
None survive, none exist.

Lord, those persons who don't want You,
They too are not ever far removed.
Also with them, even in their confusion,
Goes on dancing the Creation.

You feel good toward everyone;
A ray of hope are You for all.
At Your niche of mind collective,
A bejeweled lantern is ignited.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Myself He entices

(2093)  Tumi ele kena aji amar mane

Why came You today to my attention,
Hearing not my words, heeding not my obstructions,
Neath the morning's crimson color, amid the bird-songs,
Under this same Eastern sun?

In selfish worldly pleasure had I been absorbed,
Never gazing at the region of another person.
You made me forget it all, oh what have You done!
You told me to look in Your direction.

Smiling You speak, floating You proceed;
An unsightly earth You make overflowing...
The world goes to You with attributes only Yours.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Oh my hardhearted Lord

(2092)  Kon bhule jaoya bhore, ele mor ghare

On some forgotten morning,
You came to my dwelling.
You then went afar, and return You did not.
I thereafter, for so many days and nights,
I have cried without pause; eyes You did not mop.

If I were knowing how much You are callous,
Not a bit would I have loved.
Oh why did I make such an error;
Now the love does not get dropped!

You have bound me with that tie;
But in it Your own self You've confined?
Did You not think at any leisure time:
About You someone forgets not?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, November 21, 2021

If You please

(2091)  Ami dharar dhular pare petechi asan

Upon earth's dust I have been finding seat;
You reside atop the mountain peak.
Between us two is a gap extreme,
Yet myself always please do see.

I do not want You to arrive below,
Nor do I want You to smile from remote.
I want that You should pull me close...
Please keep me near to Thee.

I am fabricated, and You are my creator;
I am a spectacle, and You are my observer.
Even though I be puny, I am Your feature...
My entreaty: Do not forget me.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Our permanent residence

(2090)  Sabar priyatama, nihita manase mama

Everyone's Most Beloved,
In my mind lying hidden,
Both within and without You have been;
Forgetting You does not happen.
For You everybody yearns;
In this world the gist is You only.

Anything I think is mine,
Lord, all of it is truly Thine.
From this blunder, please rescue me.

In You is the common habitation;
You are the main dwelling of all.
Each and everybody is inside of Thee.

Sarkarverse article
Currently, no audio file is available.

Friday, November 19, 2021

No cause for conceit

(2089)  Tomake cena nahi jay

Knowing You does not happen.
Any time I think I am getting acquainted,
That sensation gets enveloped by darkness.

Your kettle drum has kept resounding;
Inside You the flower-pollen is smiling.
After all is said and done, privately I see
That by Your grace everything is existent.

I possess not a thing to call "mine";
Even the thought, "my", that is just a crime.
You alone belong to me, and everything is Thine;
Everybody prays for Your kindness.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Wherever I roam

(2088)  Ahvan kari tomare

Yourself do I invite...
Please arrive at my tiny domicile;
Please come to the shrine of my mind.

Neath the morning-sunbeams it's You I have sought
On bakul-lanes with floral splendor.
Under the evening stars with nebulas,
Upon streams of lunar light, silvery white,
Yourself do I invite.

Filling a lifetime, I have searched for Thee;
In all thoughts is a heart overflowing.
Per life's nature, amid every deed,
With a bright implication's essence of moonlight,
Yourself do I invite.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Seeing is believing

(2087)  Tumi ele kotha hate gele kothay

You came from whence and whereto did You go?
Nobody knows.
After day why does night arrive;
Why does darkness float once more on light?
To me please disclose.

When being gripped by despair due to danger,
Inside eyes again the light of hope is kindled.
Blame, praise, and disgrace having overridden,
To march ahead You goad.

Having climbed rapidly, the cascade proceeds
With conviction of an unknown sea.
To the tune of a place most remote it rises in frenzy;
No obstacle it owns.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

See me

(2086)  Eso amar aro kache

Come to me yet more near;
Stay concealed within psyche.
Say nothing, no pain is there;
I'm not asking You to speak.

I keep doing Your work only;
I call Thee incessantly.
I cram Your paean with vitality,
In joy and grief so You but heed.

This penance is without an end;
I would dismiss all of the darkness.
Still aroused is just one wish:
Flash a glance at me.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, November 15, 2021

Beneath Earth's beauty

(2085)  Tumi esechile kauke na bale

You had come without telling anyone;
Then You went with no intimation.
Mine were still more songs...
Still more songs were there for singing,
With more cadence, more musical measure.

I could not imagine
You will come in such manner...
Or that You will leave like this,
Casting me away in tears.

In all the dirt of the earth,
Flowers unfold by the hundreds.
Within their unblown buds,
You left honey bequeathed.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, November 14, 2021

It is an emergency

(2084)  Uttunga shikhara pare

Upon a summit very lofty,
Are You seated for somebody's sake?
Dust-covered is humanity;
Please do come down, post-haste.

Human beings have forgotten they are human;
They have feigned sky lanterns on imaginary heavens.
In self-centered thought they have lost their senses;
You please come awaken them.

At Your fore, certainly there are not two courses;
Saving Your created earth is that which just must happen.
The time of Your descent, it has mattered;
With Your own hand, take the helm of this ship.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Your path is an inner journey

(2083)  Ami deshe deshe anek ghurechi

Enough have I rambled from place to place;
Yourself having sought, I did not attain.
Sufficient scripture-study have I made;
But intuition I could not awake.

All my intellect and learning is only by Your mercy;
By Your grace success and fortune I achieve.
A bloom will flower in the desert if You but wish it to be,
And it will make the earth filled with a scent that is sweet.

We are all of us Your ball to play with;
We go on working in the dreamland of Your will.
If Your path get lost, ourselves we miss,
In an instant with dust we get mixed.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, November 12, 2021

All the time

(2082)  Ei jyotsna nishiithe canderi mayate

On this moonlit midnight, under the moon's magic,
I have wanted You, oh the One-Of-A-Kind.
Whether You like or not, I do not know it;
I know only that You are incessantly mine.

My wanting and gaining are trivial to Thee,
But they are of boundless worth to me.
Hope having fulfilled, come within my psyche;
Kindly convert the hope into mind's delight.

Come You with smiling face, remain in joy and grief;
My staying alive, with light-rays make replete.
You are my Dearest, at both good and bad times.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Wanting the Unknowable

(2081)  Niirava rate canderi sathe

On a silent night in only moon's company,
I have wanted You at my cozy dwelling;
Just one time please do look and see me.
At a life mine only, with a song Thine only,
Like a flood tide, fierce and frenzied,
Just one time please do look and see me.

I've no right in any way;
I pray, I don't state a claim.
But zealous mind heeds no restraint;
It simply yearns for Thee.

This my ambition is without limit;
On gaining Infinity, it will be fully accomplished.
Earth keeps on dancing to this wish and its attainment
At a lovers' tryst that can't be conceived.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Why so secret, why so transient?

(2080)  Kon sonalii prahare suradhara dhare

At some golden moment[1] along the flow of melody,
You had come; does anybody know it?
Mind You intoxicated, heart You made replete;
Unbeknown to all You lavished perfect consciousness.

So many a season has gone by subsequently;
So much stream of water has merged into the sea.
Smiled and been shed have gone blooms aplenty,
Subject to no reckoning, mixed with time's abyss.

Since that same moment,[2] I am expectant;
I have kept on counting the minutes, the seconds.[3]
Wounded by fatigue, I've gotten prone to slumber;
My mental agony, does anyone fathom it?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

I am confused

(2079)  Tomari tare jiivana bhare

All my life, for the sake of You only
I have roamed about; don't You know it?
Shaking off drowsiness, through my tears
I've kept calling; can't You hear it?

Yourself I have sought in an arbor's vista;
Yourself I have looked for in a desert's mirage.
For You I have searched at grandeur of tiirtha;
Don't You see, don't You understand it?

In You I've recognized just one quality:
You can hear, yet You stay unhearing;
You can know, yet You stay unknowing.
Please do explain to me this deceit, what it is!

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Another audio recording

Monday, November 8, 2021

When You've taken mind

(2078)  Tumi esecho bhalabesecho, man niye cale gecho

You have come, and You have loved;
Taking psyche, off You've gone.
Tears drop for the sake of You only;
Such a job why have You done?

Upon You alone I muse by day;
At night I know the inmost pain.
My heart's utter angst,
Why have You not fathomed?

Why did You come at all, why did You leave,
And why oh why had You loved me?
Upon a floral avenue, the path of Your going,
A sweet scent You have poured.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, November 7, 2021

I am hung up on Thee

(2077)  Tomay bheve bheve, din cale jay

Thinking, thinking about You,
The days they continue.
Do You, oh do You
Not listen to it;
Do You not fathom it?

Ever I think I will think no more:
An answer to anxiety it offers not.
On that same thought I see I think again,
In case it may get heard, even at end of ages.

Whether it is love You feel or not, You feel;
So why don't You come near?
Though compassion You show not, I go on
As if at heart-core Yours it flashes.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Your coming unforeseen

(2076)  Amar gharete e sharada rate

On this autumn night, to my dwelling,
You came, having lost Your way, Dear.
No hope had I held that there'd be Your advent
Any time at the gate of this wretched being.

I got no opportunity to decorate my domicile;
A wee garland I strung not with the blooms of mind.
And traced not were the sacred-art lines
On lane's surface, waterpot,[1] or altar beneath.

I understood that this is compassion gratuitous;
I don't understand the formula of invocation.
But I also do not know how to give You up;
For all time You must go on staying.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, November 5, 2021

A cruel game?

(2075)  Tomare bhevechi bahu dure ami

From You I've thought that I am very distant;
But You're near, so very near, I never imagined.
I've journeyed to holy sites in forest and on mountain;
But searching everywhere, I did not discover.

Hey my Deity, You've gone on making liila;
Seeing me race about, You have grinned.
Getting exhausted, when to ground I've fallen,
Right then You lifted up.

Staying within mind, everything You've witnessed;
You have kept watch over all of my filthiness.
With many a beating, inferno to ignite,
You neglected not to purify.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Waiting at Your mansion

(2074)  Ata dure theko na

So far away don't remain;
Kindly do come near.
Myself don't disdain;
Only smile tenderly.

Your love is unlimited and pervasive,
Wed to unit and collective, omnipresent and extensive.
I too am amid You, I dress in Your hand-down raiment;
Even if You do not wish, please love me still.

Cosmic Proprietor, You're the life of my world;
Everyone relies on You, and everybody You deliver.
Mid the cosmos am I too, I'm engaged in Your work;
Lord Beyond All Gloom, obliterate the darkness.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Love is not a riddle

(2073)  Diner alote aso ni

You arrived not under the day's light;
You came neath obscurity.
You rose not on the moon's smile;
In dark on pain balm's coat You smeared.

Everyone appreciates that You cherish everybody;
Everyone allows that You consider everybody.
But to make our love strong, they go on disputing
How to love You suitably.

Ancient Master, in the Endless is Your residence;
But You've stayed all year with us, in joy and in sadness.
The refuge of all, You are everyone's life-breath;
Having drawn us near, You take everybody.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Love's chariot

(2072)  Alokatiirthe cali atiiter glani bhuli

Ignoring filth of times gone by, to Shrine of Light I proceed;
Life's mission, it is only marching forward, I believe.
I invite all along, applying kinship's honey;
I know that my society includes everybody.

Those who want not welfare of the earth,
The ones who make the world polluted,
Toward them too is the duty of affection;
Also their correction I bring.

At no time will I despise anyone...
There won't be neglect or inattention
That not even one person may get hindered;
We all pull the juggernaut collectively.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Along the path of effulgence

(2071)  Aloker path dhare

Along the path of effulgence,
Having cast off darkness,
We all will go forward,
With heads held high.

Supreme Consciousness we acknowledge...
We know not a bit of indecision...
The goal kept ever before us,
Like the sunlight crimson.

We love this, the world...
Planet, stars, and nebula...
And we love a smile light-dripping
On the face of everybody.

Destruction and hardship we don't wish...
We move on the path of psychic development...[1]
And thus, filled with love, we bid welcome
To everybody, animate or inert.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording