Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Flying blind

(2416)  Ami gan geye geye cale jai

A song ever singing I run along;
I don't know if You listen or not.
In depths of mind whatever's there,
I keep nothing hidden.

In many conditions my bud goes on remaining;
It does not get to blossom, a flower becoming.
Many a tune arrives, then sails far away;
I don't know if You perceive or not.

Yet could it be twixt concept and language, Dear,
A space continues, hard-to-cross, intervening?
From a thought all gets not brought into speech;
I don't know if You agree or not.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. In case I did not say it right, please know that my life and mind are Thine.
