Wednesday, April 13, 2022

He is a consummate raconteur

(2234)  Asibe bale kena na ele

Having told You will come, why did You not show up?
Evening thickens; day, it leaves...
A bloom grows dry, kept alive for Thee;
The wreath strung carefully, in the dust it weeps.

At break of dawn there was hope within mind:
The despair will get excised; You will arrive.
But impassioned speech, it went quiet;
Waiting got mixed in with mist dense and deep.

My Darling, this deed, don't repeat it ever;
Any word having given, please never break it.
The heart expectant, seconds she keeps counting;
At a lazy hour, about her also please do think.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. His story is always suspenseful; His characters are of all types. Even He receives a chiding, passive-aggressive mother.
